Battleship workshop
Publisert 22.01.2016
Årets første Javabin møte ble arrangert i Sonat sine lokaler.
Lars Aaberg og Ricki Sickenger fra Sonat Consulting har utviklet en Battlehip-workshop og stod som arrangør for konkurransen denne kvelden. Vi delte oss inn i grupper og programmerte battelship-bots. Senere på kvelden lot vi disse konkurrere og kåret beste bot.
Vi startet med en kjapp gjennomgang men vi hadde litt påfyll av mat og drikke.
Lars og Ricki hadde beskrevet workshopen på følgende måte:
This is a workshop for competitive coders. In the battleship competition, each team will create a battleship player bot. Each bot will compete in a Battleships competition, where the goal is, without mercy, to sink the opponents ships and subs. Behold, for there is honor and glory (and a prize) for the winners, and nothing for the losers.
We will provide the Battleships server. All communication with the bots happens through a well defined Web Sockets API.
Each team chooses their programming language. The only requirement is that it is able to use Web Sockets. We will provide working, but very dumb, template-bots programmed with Java, C# and Javascript. These can be used as inspiration or starting point.
The aim of this workshop is to gain experience with websockets and ai/strategy thinking in a fun and competitive environment. The workshop ends with a realtime battle-of-the-bots championship with one bot declared as the winner.
So if you feel like kicking ass and chewing bubble gum, but you’re all out of gum: Team up with a couple of colleagues or friends, and use your coding foo to kick that ass! It’s gonna be epic!